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A4120-784 (Assessment: IBM PureFlex Technical Expert V1) Free Demo Download:
NO.1 A client wants a PureFlex Express configuration with an additional EN4093R 10Gb Scalable
Switch module for redundancy. The Power nodes in the configuration have four-port 10Gb NICs and
the client applications planned for the Power nodes will require the use of all four of those ports.
What must the technical expert include in the configuration to meet this requirement?
A. An additional pair of EN4093R 10Gb Scalable Switch modules
B. IBM Flex System CN4054 Virtual Fabric Adapter Upgrade for each CN4054 adapter
C. IBM Flex System Fabric EN4093 10Gb Scalable Switch (Upgrade 1) for each switch
D. IBM Flex System Fabric EN4093 10Gb Scalable Switch (Upgrade 2) for each switch
Answer: C
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NO.2 A client has purchased a Flex System with a Flex System Manager (FSM) and a p260 node.
Which of the following is the most cost-effective procedure to install the VIO server?
A. Engage Lab Services to complete the installation
B. Use the external USB DVD RAM that IBM delivers with a Flex System
C. Copy the VIO ISO images onto the FSM and use the installios command
D. Launch the Remote Control from the FSM and remote mount the VIO ISO images from your
Answer: C
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NO.3 A client has a number of Power servers that are virtualized and boot from FC SAN with dual
VIO servers. The client is considering consolidation of server and network hardware (LAN and SAN)
while maximizing the return on investment by leveraging existing shared FC storage. Which option
meets the client requirements?
A. Utilize FCoE to boot the VIO servers
B. Utilize iSCSI to boot the VIO servers
C. Continue to use FC SAN for the VIO servers
D. Use a pair of internal drives to provide for the VIO servers
Answer: A
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NO.4 The client seeks to reduce cost and complexity in a highly virtualized x86 environment. They
want the network policies to migrate automatically along with mobile virtual machines to ensure
that security, performance and access remains intact as virtual machines move from server to server.
VMware is their virtualization standard. Which option will provide a complete solution?
A. Switches capable to support 802.1 QBG
B. Cisco Nexus 1000V on IBM VMready Switches
C. IBM Switch-resident IBM VMready capability
D. IBM Software Defined Networking (SDN) for Virtual
Answer: D
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NO.5 The IBM Flex System Interoperability Guide is a handy reference document but its
information is only as accurate as of its most recent publication date. Where would the technical
expert find the latest complete information on supported FCoE configurations?
A. The FC-BB-5 standards documentation
B. IBM Flex System product development
C. Reference IBM's ServerProven web page
D. IBM System Storage Interoperation Center (SSIC)
Answer: D
IBM exam A4120-784 Exam Questions A4120-784 braindump
NO.6 A client has a PureFlex system and needs to upgrade their Flex System V7000 Storage
Node. Which interface would be used to accomplish this?
B. BIOS upgrade
C. Chassis Manager
D. Flex Node Interface GUI
Answer: A
IBM Latest Dumps A4120-784 A4120-784 dumps
NO.7 A client has a need for a Linux based solution that requires a large amount of memory. The
application runs on either x86 or Power nodes. Which of the following nodes would provide the
maximum memory configuration?
A. p460
B. x440
C. p24L
D. x240
Answer: B
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NO.8 On a PureFlex system, how can an FSM be recovered if the management software is
inoperable because of misconfiguration or corruption, but the management node hardware is
operational and the hard drives have not failed?
A. Call smcli restore from the FSM CLI to restore the FSM
B. Call IBM Support and request a replacement of the FSM ITE
C. Connect to the Internet, download a new FSM image and install it over the IMM connection to
the FSM
D. Boot while pressing F12 and select the recovery partition as the boot device, then run a full
system recovery
Answer: D
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