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Exam Code: 070-573-VB
Exam Name: Microsoft (TS: Microsoft SharePoint 2010, Application Development)
070-573-VB (TS: Microsoft SharePoint 2010, Application Development) Free Demo Download:
NO.1 You have a SharePoint farm that has more than 100 custom Features.
You upgrade several Features in the farm.
You need to ensure that the site collection uses the most up-to-date versions of the Features. Only
Features that require an upgrade must be evaluated.
Which code segment should you use?
A. Dim webServices As New SPWebServiceCollection(SPFarm.Local)
For Each myWebService1 As SPWebService In webServices
Dim queryResults As SPFeatureQueryResultCollection =
myWebService1.QueryFeatures(SPFeatureScope.Site, True)
Dim featureEnumerator As IEnumerator(Of SPFeature) = queryResults.GetEnumerator()
While featureEnumerator.MoveNext()
Dim feature As SPFeature = featureEnumerator.Current
End While
B. Dim webServices As New SPWebServiceCollection(SPFarm.Local)
For Each myWebService1 As SPWebService In webServices
Dim queryResults As SPFeatureQueryResultCollection =
myWebService1.QueryFeatures(SPFeatureScope.Web, True)
Dim featureEnumerator As IEnumerator(Of SPFeature) = queryResults.GetEnumerator()
While featureEnumerator.MoveNext()
Dim feature As SPFeature = featureEnumerator.Current
End While
C. Dim site As SPSite = SPContext.Current.Site
Dim allFeatures As SPFeatureCollection = site.Features
For Each currentFeature As SPFeature In allFeatures
D. Dim web As SPWeb = SPContext.Current.Web
Dim allFeatures As SPFeatureCollection = web.Features
For Each currentFeature As SPFeature In allFeatures
Answer: A
Microsoft certification 070-573-VB 070-573-VB practice test 070-573-VB original questions 070-573-VB exam simulations 070-573-VB
NO.2 You create a Web Part that takes three values from three text boxes and creates a new SharePoint site
when you click a button named CreateNewSite.
The Web Part contains the following code segment.
Protected Sub CreateNewSite_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim site As SPSite = SPContext.Current.Site
Dim web As SPWeb = site.AllWebs.Add(SiteNameTextBox.Text, SiteTitleTextBox.Text,
SiteDescriptionTextBox.Text, 0, SPWebTemplate.WebTemplateSTS, False, _False)
End Sub
You test the Web Part and it works properly.
When another user attempts to use the Web Part to create a new site, he receives the following error
message: ° E rr o r: A ccess D en i ed
You need to ensure that users can use the Web Part to create new sites.
What should you do?
A. Add web.Update() after the code segment.
B. Add web.ValidatesFormDigest() after the code segment.
C. Run the code segment inside a SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges delegate.
D. Add the following code after the code segment.
Dim currentUser As SPUser = web.CurrentUser
web.Users.Add(currentUser.LoginName, currentUser.Email, currentUser.Name, "")
Answer: C
Microsoft certification 070-573-VB test questions 070-573-VB 070-573-VB
NO.3 You create a custom site definition named DCS. You create a site provision handler for DCS.
DCS contains a file named DCSTemplate.xsd that stores configuration data.
You need to read the content of DCSTemplate.xsd in the site provision handler.
Which property should you use?
A. SPSite.GetCustomWebTemplates(1033)["DCS"].ProvisionClass
B. SPWebApplication.DataRetrievalProvider
C. SPWebProvisioningProperties.Data
D. SPWebProvisioningProperties.Web.DataRetrievalServicesSettings
Answer: C
Microsoft 070-573-VB 070-573-VB 070-573-VB
NO.4 You are creating a Web Part that will be deployed as a sandboxed solution.
You need to ensure that the Web Part can write debugging information to the SharePoint trace logs.
Which class should the logging component inherit?
A. SPDelegate
B. SPLog
C. SPPersistedObject
D. SPProxyOperation
Answer: D
Microsoft study guide 070-573-VB 070-573-VB study guide 070-573-VB exam 070-573-VB
NO.5 You are creating a Web Part. The Web Part will be used in a SharePoint subsite that has the URL
You need to ensure that the Web Part activates a Feature in the subsite without causing a memory leak.
Which code segment should you use?
A. Dim featuresCollect As SPFeatureCollection = SPContext.Current.SiteFeatures
featuresCollect.Add(New Guid("xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"),
B. Dim featuresCollect As SPFeatureCollection = SPContext.Current.WebFeatures
featuresCollect.Add(New Guid("xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"),
C. Dim web As New SPSite("")
Dim featureCollect As SPFeatureCollection = web.Features
featureCollect.Add(New Guid("xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"),
D. Dim web As SPWeb = New SPSite("").OpenWeb()
Dim featureCollect As SPFeatureCollection = web.Features
featureCollect.Add(New Guid("xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"),
Answer: B
Microsoft braindump 070-573-VB certification 070-573-VB test answers 070-573-VB dumps
NO.6 You create custom code to import content to SharePoint sites.
You create a custom site definition by using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.
You need to ensure that when a new site that uses the site definition is created, the custom code executes
after the site is created.
Which class should you add to the project?
A. SPChangeFile
B. SPItemEventReceiver
C. SPWebEventReceiver
D. SPWebProvisioningProvider
Answer: D
Microsoft 070-573-VB study guide 070-573-VB certification training 070-573-VB
NO.7 You plan to develop a Web Part that displays a SharePoint list. The Web Part will verify the list
permissions when users access by using the web.CurrentUser.DoesUserHavePermissions method.
You need to ensure that when users do not have permissions to the list, the Web Part displays the
company ¯ s l ogo
Which code segment should you add to the Web Part?
A. RunWithElevatedPrivileges
B. web.AllowUnsafeUpdates= true
C. web.CurrentUser.RequireRequestToken = false
D. web.ValidateFormDigest()
Answer: A
Microsoft 070-573-VB exam prep 070-573-VB
NO.8 You have a SharePoint site collection that contains 100 subsites.
You plan to create a Web Part. The Web Part will be deployed to each subsite.
You need to ensure that the Web Part retrieves all of the files in the root directory of the current subsite.
You write the following code segment. (Line numbers are included for reference only.)
01Dim site As SPSite = SPContext.Current.Site
02Dim web As SPWeb = SPContext.Current.Web
Which code segment should you add at line 03?
A. site.AllWebs[1].Files
B. Site.RootWeb.Lists[0].Items
C. web.Files
D. web.RootFolder.SubFolders[0].Files web.Users.Add(currentUser.LoginName, currentUser.Email,
currentUser.Name, "")
Answer: C
Microsoft 070-573-VB practice test 070-573-VB 070-573-VB exam
NO.9 You use a third-party site definition to create SharePoint sites.
You need to add a Web Part to the home page of the site definition.
Which file should you modify?
A. default.master
B. Onet.xml
C. Sp.xml
D. web.config
Answer: B
Microsoft exam prep 070-573-VB exam prep 070-573-VB original questions
NO.10 You create a Feature named Feature1. Feature1 is activated in a SharePoint site.
You create a Web Part that contains the following code.
Dim site As New SPSite("http://intranet/site1")
Dim web As SPWeb = site.OpenWeb()
Dim feature As SPFeatureDefinition = SPFarm.Local.FeatureDefinitions("Feature1")
You need to modify the Web Part to activate Feature1 in Site1 only.
Which code segment should you add to the Web Part?
A. site.Features.Add(feature.Id)
B. site.WebApplication.WebService.Features.Add(feature.Id)
C. web.Features.Add(feature.Id)
D. web.Site.WebApplication.WebService.Features.Add(feature.Id)
Answer: A
Microsoft test answers 070-573-VB 070-573-VB 070-573-VB
NO.11 You plan to create one provider Web Part and two consumer Web Parts.
You need to ensure that the consumer Web Parts can receive data from the provider Web Part.
You create an interface that contains the following code segment.
Interface Interface1
Property Parameter1 As String
End Interface
What should you do next?
A. Implement Interface1 in the provider Web Part.
B. Implement IWebPartField in the provider Web Part.
C. Create a set accessor for Parameter1.
D. Create a second interface and use it to communicate with the provider Web Part.
Answer: D
Microsoft certification 070-573-VB study guide 070-573-VB
NO.12 You create a Web Part that contains the following code segment. (Line numbers are included for
reference only.)
01 Public Class WebPart1
02 Inherits WebPart
04 Public Sub New()
05 MyBase.New
07 End Sub
09 Protected Overrides Sub CreateChildControls()
10 Dim clickButton As Button = New Button
12 MyBase.CreateChildControls
13 End Sub
15 Protected Overrides Sub RenderContents
(ByVal writer As HtmlTextWriter)
17 MyBase.RenderContents(writer)
18 End Sub
NO.13 You have a custom site definition.
You create a custom site Feature.
You need to ensure that the Feature is activated for all new sites that are created by using the custom site
What should you do?
A. Modify the Onet.xml file.
B. Modify the web.config file.
C. Add a Feature receiver to the custom site Feature.
D. Add a Feature dependency to the custom site Feature.
Answer: A
Microsoft 070-573-VB certification 070-573-VB 070-573-VB 070-573-VB dumps
NO.14 End Class
You discover that the clickButton button does not appear.
You need to ensure that clickButton appears.
What should you do?
A. Delete line 12.
B. Move line 10 to line 16.
C. Add the following line of code at line 11.
D. Add the following line of code at line 11.
clickButton.Page = me.Page
Answer: C
Microsoft 070-573-VB test questions 070-573-VB exam simulations 070-573-VB certification
19. You plan to create two Web Parts named Products and ProductDetails.
You create an interface that contains the following code segment.
Interface Interface1
Property Productid As String
End Interface
You need to ensure that the Products Web Part sends Productid to the ProductDetails Web Part. You
must achieve this goal by using the ASP.NET Web Part connection framework.
What should you do?
A. Implement Interface1 in the Products Web Part.
B. Implement Interface1 in the ProductDetails Web Part.
C. Add a private set-accessor-declaration to the Productid property.
D. Add a protected set-accessor-declaration to the Productid property.
Answer: A
Microsoft test questions 070-573-VB 070-573-VB certification 070-573-VB original questions
NO.15 You have a custom theme named MyTheme. The theme is defined in a file named MyTheme.thmx.
You have a console application that contains the following code segment. (Line numbers are included for
reference only.)
01Using site As New SPSite("http://intranet")
02Dim web As SPWeb = site.OpenWeb()
04End Using
You need to programmatically apply the theme to a SharePoint site.
Which code segment should you add to the console application?
A. ThmxTheme.SetThemeUrlForWeb(web, "/_catalogs/theme/MyTheme.thmx", False)
B. web.AlternateCssUrl = "/_themes/MyTheme"
C. web.ApplyWebTemplate("MyTheme.thmx")
D. web.ThemedCssFolderUrl = "/_themes/MyTheme"
Answer: A
Microsoft 070-573-VB certification 070-573-VB questions 070-573-VB 070-573-VB
NO.16 You update a solution validator.
You need to ensure that all SharePoint solutions are validated the next time the solutions are executed.
What should you do?
A. Modify the Guid attribute of the solution validator.
B. Deactivate and activate all of the installed solutions.
C. Modify the Signature property of the solution validator.
D. In the Feature that deploys the solution validator, modify the Version attribute of the Feature element.
Answer: C
Microsoft 070-573-VB demo 070-573-VB study guide
NO.17 You create a custom Web Part.
You need to verify whether the Web Part causes any memory leaks.
Which tool should you use?
A. SPDisposeCheck.exe
B. SPMetal.exe
C. Wca.exe
D. WinDbg.exe
Answer: A
Microsoft 070-573-VB 070-573-VB 070-573-VB
NO.18 You have a SharePoint site that has the URL
You are creating a new Web Part.
You need to create a reference to the current subsite without having to dispose of any returned objects.
Which code segment should you use?
A. Dim siteCollection As New SPSite("")
Dim site As SPWebCollection = siteCollection.AllWebs
B. Dim siteCollection As New SPSite("")
Dim site As SPWeb = siteCollection.RootWeb
C. Dim site As SPSite = SPContext.Current.Site
D. Dim site As SPWeb = SPContext.Current.Web
Answer: D
Microsoft exam prep 070-573-VB 070-573-VB 070-573-VB original questions
NO.19 You need to create a Web Part that hides the out-of-the-box Ribbon on the current page.
Which code segment should you include in the Web Part?
A. SPRibbon.GetCurrent(me.Page).CommandUIVisible = false
B. SPRibbon.GetCurrent(me.Page).Dispose()
C. me.Page.FindControl("SPRibbon").Dispose()
D. me.Page.FindControl("SPRibbon").Visible = false
Answer: A
Microsoft 070-573-VB 070-573-VB study guide 070-573-VB certification training
NO.20 You are creating an application.
You develop a custom control that renders a contextual tab.
The control contains the following code segment. (Line numbers are included for reference only.)
01Protected Overloads Overrides Sub OnPreRender(ByVal e As EventArgs)
02 Dim curRibbon As SPRibbon = SPRibbon.GetCurrent(Me.Page)
04 curRibbon.MakeContextualGroupInitiallyVisible
("SP.Ribbon.ContextualGroup", String.Empty)
05 MyBase.OnPreRender(e)
06End Sub
You need to ensure that when the custom control is rendered, the custom contextual tab appears in the
Which code segment should you add at line 03?
A. curRibbon.Enabled = true
B. curRibbon.MakeRTEContextualTabsAvailable("SP.Ribbon.ContextualTab ")
C. curRibbon.MakeTabAvailable("SP.Ribbon.ContextualTab")
D. curRibbon.Visible = true
Answer: C
Microsoft 070-573-VB 070-573-VB test answers 070-573-VB
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