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Exam Code: C-BODI-20
Exam Name: SAP (SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP BusinessObjects Data Integrator XI R2)
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Total Q&A: 127 Questions and Answers
Last Update: 2013-10-29
C-BODI-20 (SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP BusinessObjects Data Integrator XI R2) Free Demo Download: http://www.it-tests.com/C-BODI-20.html
NO.1 How do you create multiple instances of the same Data Flow?
A. Right-click+Replicate on the Data Flow in the Local Object Library
B. Right-click_Copy/Paste Data Flow from the Job wrorkspace
C. Right-click_Copy/Paste Data Flow in the Local Object Library
D. Right-click+Replicate Data Flow from the Job workspace
Answer: A
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NO.2 Which two steps are part of the profiling configuration process? (Choose two)
A. Use the Data Quality dashboard to review high level profiler result details
B. Use the Repository Manager to create/update/delete profiler users
C. Use the Repository Manager to create the profiler repository
D. Use the Server Manager to associate the profiler repository with the job server
Answer: C,D
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NO.3 You are developing a data warehouse as part of a large development team (ten plus
developers) Way
should you recommend a multi-user configuration? (Choose two)
A. Attach documentation based on object history
B. Ensure only one developer is working on a specific set of objects
C. Store table column and relationship profile data including history
D. Track the version history history of objects(audit trrail)
Answer: B,D
SAP answers real questions C-BODI-20 exam prep C-BODI-20
NO.4 You have a source table that contains fifty columns. You need to place business rules
on thirty of the
columns to check the format of the source data and filter the valid and invalid records. You
also want to
analyze the column values that fail. What is the recommended method you should use?
A. Use a Case transform to create two conditions that filter the invalid records
B. Use a Map_Operation transform to map valid and invalid data rules
C. Use a Validation transform and enable validation rules on the required columns
D. Use two Query transforms with different WHERE clauses to filter the invalid records
Answer: C
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NO.5 Which two changes to your Source Table requires you to re-import the metadata?
(Choose two)
A. Index changes
B. New records added
C. Table structure changes
D. Truncated table data
Answer: A,C
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NO.6 Where do you specify the error file to capture flat file format errors?
A. File Format Editor
B. Properties of the Data Flow
C. Server Manager Tool
D. Trace Options of the Job
Answer: A
SAP study guide C-BODI-20 C-BODI-20 C-BODI-20
NO.7 How do you create a global variable?
A. Select Global Variables in the Job properties
B. Select Global Variables in the Work Flow properties
C. Select Tools |Variables|Global Variables in the Job workspace
D. Select Tools | Options| Project | Variables
Answer: C
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NO.8 Which three types of group level permissions are available in a Secured Central
Object Library?
(Choose three)
A. Full
B. Hidden
C. None
D. Read
E. Write
Answer: A,C,D
SAP C-BODI-20 C-BODI-20 braindump C-BODI-20
NO.9 Which two functions can you use in a Query? (Choose two)
A. Count
B. Exec
C. Lookup_Ext
D. Sleep
Answer: A,C
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NO.10 What is the correct sequence of transforms to populate a Type || Slowly Changing
Dimension (SCD ||)?
A. Key_Generation, Table_Comparison.History_Preserving
B. History_Preserving, Table_Comparison.Key_Generation
C. Table_Comparison.History_Preserving, Key_Generation
D. Table_Comparison.Key_Generation, History_Preserving
Answer: C
SAP C-BODI-20 C-BODI-20 C-BODI-20 original questions C-BODI-20
NO.11 How do you associate a repository with the Management Console?
A. Open the Server Manager and select Edit Job Server Config | Add Repository
B. Open the Server Manager and select Edit Server Group Config| Add Repository
C. Open Web Administrator and select Management |Repositories | Add
D. Open the Web Administrator and select Server Groups| Server Group Config| Add
Answer: C
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NO.12 Your sales order fact table load contains a reference to a customer _id not found in
the customer
dimension table. How can you replace the customer_id with a default value and preserve the
record using the Validation transform?
A. Select Exists in table
and Action On Failure I Send to Both , select For Pass, substitute with .
B. Select Exists in table
and Action On Failure I Send to Fail , select For Pass, substitute with .
C. Select In
option and Action On Failure I Send to Both , select For pass, substitute with .
D. Select In
option and Action On Failure I Send to Fail , select For pass, substitute with .
Answer: A
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NO.13 Which lookup caching method reduces the number of round trips to the translate table?
A. Demand_Load_Cache
B. No_Cache
C. Pre_Load _Cache D. Smart_Cache
Answer: C
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NO.14 Which three methods can you use to create a local variable? (Choose three)
A. Select the Variables tab in the Smart Editor of a custom function
B. Select Tools | Variables | Local Variables in the Job workspace
C. Select Tools | Variables | Local Variables in the Work Flow workspace
D. Select Tools | Variables | Local Variables in the Data Flow workspace
Answer: A,B,C
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NO.15 In which three objects can you include a try/catch block.? (Choose three)
A. Data Flow
B. Job
C. Script
D. Work Flow
Answer: B,C,D
SAP C-BODI-20 C-BODI-20 C-BODI-20 C-BODI-20 test answers
NO.16 Which tool must you use to manage and configure server groups?
A. Metadata Manager
B. Repository Manager
C. Server Manager
D. Web Administrator
Answer: D
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NO.17 When you read an XML schema into the Local Object Library, which three types of XM
metadata are
imported? (Choose three)
A. Attributes
B. Data Types
C. Elements
D. Styles
Answer: A,B,C
SAP C-BODI-20 exam prep C-BODI-20 study guide C-BODI-20 questions
NO.18 Which three operations can Data Integrator push down to the underlying database?
(Choose three)
A. Aggregation
B. Distinct Row
C. Ordering
D. Union
Answer: A,B,C
NO.19 Which SQL statement displays when the Trace SQL Readers
option is set to Yes ?
A. SQL from the source tables
B. SQL to the target tables
C. SQL from the Lookup_ext function
D. SQL from the Table_Comparison transform
Answer: A
SAP test answers C-BODI-20 original questions C-BODI-20 practice test C-BODI-20
NO.20 Which three operations are available between a Local and Central Object Library?
(Choose three)
A. Add
B. Check In
C. Export
D. Get
E. Import
Answer: A,B,D
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