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Exam Code: CAT-040
Exam Name: CA (CA eHealth r6 Administrator Exam )
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CAT-040 (CA eHealth r6 Administrator Exam ) Free Demo Download:
NO.1 Before you can run custom Health and Service Level Reports, you need to make sure that: (Choose
A. Report log files have been updated.
B. Service Profiles have been configured.
C. Groups and Groups Lists arepopulated.
D. User Permissions have been configured.
E. The Database is set up and is operational.
F. Correct report definitions have been created.
Answer: B,C,D,E
CA exam dumps CAT-040 original questions CAT-040 CAT-040 certification training
NO.2 Which statement about using Oracle with CA eHealth is TRUE?
A. CA eHealth supports the use of a remote Oracle database.
B. All versions of CA eHealth now use the Oracle double-byte software.
C. A database can be on a mapped or mounted drive with high-speed connectivity.
D. You can use Oracle or other after-market tools to back up the CA eHealth database.
Answer: C
CA test answers CAT-040 CAT-040 braindump CAT-040 answers real questions
NO.3 Which report type can you drill down to from an At-a-Glance report?
A. TopN
B. Trend
C. Health
D. Service Level
Answer: B
CA exam prep CAT-040 dumps CAT-040 pdf CAT-040 exam CAT-040
NO.4 In Report Center, which users are considered super users.?
A. Server Administrators
B. Report Administrators
C. System Administrators
D. Directory Administrators
Answer: C
CA pdf CAT-040 CAT-040 CAT-040
NO.5 Which command do you use to open the OneClick for eHealth console only?
A. ehealth -h
B. ehealth -oce
C. ehealth -once
D. ehealth -motif
Answer: B
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