
Oracle certification 1Z0-852 the latest exam questions and answers

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Exam Code: 1Z0-852

Exam Name: Oracle (Java Standard Edition 6 Programmer Certified Professional Upgrade Exam)

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NO.1 Given:
1. public class Base {

NO.2 }

NO.3 }
Which is true?
A. If line 10 is removed, the compilation succeeds.
B. If line 11 is removed, the compilation succeeds.
C. If line 12 is removed, the compilation succeeds.
D. If line 13 is removed, the compilation succeeds.
E. More than one line must be removed for compilation to succeed.
Answer: C

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10. abstract class A {
11. abstract void a1();
12. void a2() { }
13. }
14. class B extends A {
15. void a1() { }

NO.4 System.out.print(((Base)s).FOO);

NO.5 class C extends B { void c1() { } }
A x = new B(); C y = new C(); A z = new C();
What are four valid examples of polymorphic method calls? (Choose four.)
A. x.a2();
B. z.a2();
C. z.c1();
D. z.a1();
E. y.c1();
F. x.a1();
Answer: A,B,D,F

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5.A company that makes Computer Assisted Design (CAD) software has, within its application, some
utility classes that are used to perform 3D rendering tasks. The company's chief scientist has just
improved the performance of one of the utility classes' key rendering algorithms, and has assigned a
programmer to replace the old algorithm with the new algorithm. When the programmer begins
researching the utility classes, she is happy to discover that the algorithm to be replaced exists in only one
class. The programmer reviews that class's API, and replaces the old algorithm with the new algorithm,
being careful that her changes adhere strictly to the class's API. Once testing has begun, the programmer
discovers that other classes that use the class she
changed are no longer working properly. What design flaw is most likely the cause of these new bugs?
A. Inheritance
B. Tight coupling
C. Low cohesion
D. High cohesion
E. Loose coupling
F. Object immutability
Answer: B

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11. class Mammal { }
13. class Raccoon extends Mammal {
14. Mammal m = new Mammal();
15. }
17. class BabyRaccoon extends Mammal { }
Which four statements are true? (Choose four.)
A. Raccoon is-a Mammal.
B. Raccoon has-a Mammal.
C. BabyRaccoon is-a Mammal.
D. BabyRaccoon is-a Raccoon.
E. BabyRaccoon has-a Mammal.
F. BabyRaccoon is-a BabyRaccoon.
Answer: A,B,C,F

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2. public class Hi {
3. void m1() { }
4. protected void() m2 { }
5. } 6. class Lois extends Hi {
7. // insert code here
8. }
Which four code fragments, inserted independently at line 7, will compile? (Choose four.)
A. public void m1() { }
B. protected void m1() { }
C. private void m1() { }
D. void m2() { }
E. public void m2() { }
F. protected void m2() { }
G. private void m2() { }
Answer: A,B,E,F

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8.Given that:
Gadget has-a Sprocket and
Gadget has-a Spring and
Gadget is-a Widget and
Widget has-a Sprocket
Which two code fragments represent these relationships? (Choose two.)
A. class Widget { Sprocket s; }
class Gadget extends Widget { Spring s; }
B. class Widget { }
class Gadget extends Widget { Spring s1; Sprocket s2; }
C. class Widget { Sprocket s1; Spring s2; }
class Gadget extends Widget { }
D. class Gadget { Spring s; }
class Widget extends Gadget{ Sprocket s; }
E. class Gadget { }
class Widget extends Gadget{ Sprocket s1; Spring s2; }
F. class Gadget { Spring s1; Sprocket s2; }
class Widget extends Gadget{ }
Answer: A,C

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9.Given the following six method names:
How many of these method names follow JavaBean Listener naming rules?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5
Answer: B

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10.Click the Exhibit button.
Which three statements are true? (Choose three.)
A. Compilation fails.
B. The code compiles and the output is 2.
C. If lines 16, 17 and 18 were removed, compilation would fail.
D. If lines 24, 25 and 26 were removed, compilation would fail.
E. If lines 16, 17 and 18 were removed, the code would compile and the output would be2.
F. If lines 24, 25 and 26 were removed, the code would compile and the output would be 1.
Answer: B,E,F

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1. class Alligator {
2. public static void main(String[] args) {
3. int []x[] = {{1,2}, {3,4,5}, {6,7,8,9}};
4. int [][]y = x;
5. System.out.println(y[2][1]);
6. }
7. }
What is the result?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 6
E. 7
F. Compilation fails.
Answer: E

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11. public static void main(String[] args) {
12. Object obj = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 };
13. int[] someArray = (int[])obj;
14. for (int i : someArray) System.out.print(i + " ");
15. }
What is the result?
A. 1 2 3
B. Compilation fails because of an error in line 12.
C. Compilation fails because of an error in line 13.
D. Compilation fails because of an error in line 14.
E. A ClassCastException is thrown at runtime.
Answer: A

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11. public interface A { public void m1(); }
13. class B implements A { }
14. class C implements A { public void m1() { } }
15. class D implements A { public void m1(int x) { } }
16. abstract class E implements A { }
17. abstract class F implements A { public void m1() { } }
18. abstract class G implements A { public void m1(int x) { } }
What is the result?
A. Compilation succeeds.
B. Exactly one class does NOT compile.
C. Exactly two classes do NOT compile.
D. Exactly four classes do NOT compile.
E. Exactly three classes do NOT compile.
Answer: C

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21. abstract class C1 {
22. public C1() { System.out.print(1); }
23. }
24. class C2 extends C1 {
25. public C2() { System.out.print(2); }
26. }
27. class C3 extends C2 {
28. public C3() { System.out.println(3); }
29. }
30. public class Ctest {
31. public static void main(String[] a) { new C3(); }
32. }
What is the result?
A. 3
B. 23
C. 32
D. 123
E. 321
F. Compilation fails.
G. An exception is thrown at runtime.
Answer: D

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1. public class A {
2. public void doit() {
3. }
4. public String doit() {
5. return "a";
6. }
7. public double doit(int x) {
8. return 1.0;
9. }
10. }
What is the result?
A. An exception is thrown at runtime.
B. Compilation fails because of an error in line 7.
C. Compilation fails because of an error in line 4.
D. Compilation succeeds and no runtime errors with class A occur.
Answer: C

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NO.6 System.out.print(b.FOO);

NO.7 System.out.print(Base.FOO);

NO.8 }

NO.9 System.out.print(s.FOO);

NO.10 } }

NO.11 Sub s = new Sub();

NO.12 public static void main(String[] args) {

NO.13 void a2() { }

NO.14 Base b = new Base();

NO.15 class Sub extends Base {public static final String FOO="bar";}
What is the result?
A. foofoofoofoofoo
B. foobarfoobarbar
C. foobarfoofoofoo
D. foobarfoobarfoo
E. barbarbarbarbar
F. foofoofoobarbar
G. foofoofoobarfoo
Answer: D

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2.A company has a business application that provides its users with many different reports: receivables
reports, payables reports, revenue projects, and so on. The company has just
purchased some new, state-of-the-art, wireless printers, and a programmer has been assigned the task of
enhancing all of the reports to use not only the company's old printers, but the new wireless printers as
well. When the programmer starts looking into the application, the programmer discovers that because of
the design of the application, it is necessary to make changes to eachreport to support the new printers.
Which two design concepts most likely explain this situation.? (Choose two.)
A. Inheritance
B. Low cohesion
C. Tight coupling
D. High cohesion
E. Loose coupling
F. Object immutability
Answer: B,C

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5. class Building { }
6. public class Barn extends Building {
7. public static void main(String[] args) {
8. Building build1 = new Building();
9. Barn barn1 = new Barn();
10. Barn barn2 = (Barn) build1;
11. Object obj1 = (Object) build1;
12. String str1 = (String) build1;

NO.16 public static final String FOO = "foo";

NO.17 Building build2 = (Building) barn1;

NO.18 System.out.print(Sub.FOO);

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